You are more than a body. Are you ready to learn to see more and be more?

 This course has yielded incredible results for hundreds of girls and women. It is shown to help participants: 

Develop a powerful sense of purpose and self-worth outside of your appearance

Gain confidence to allow you to live without constant body monitoring

Decrease body shame and increase body acceptance 

Improve your understanding of your own health and fitness outside of objectifying and appearance-based terms

Increase feelings of self-compassion toward yourself and others and decrease self-comparison

Change the way you view media and be a more conscious media consumer

Develop your own life-changing path to body image resilience by cultivating resilient traits and skills to carry you through future body image difficulties

Get Started Now!

Your purchase today gives you unlimited access to this course and all future updates for 3 years.

How You'll Learn

  • Video-Based Course

    Watch and learn! Each unit includes an all-video version so you can watch Dr. Lexie Kite and Dr. Lindsay Kite teach you to develop body image resilience.

  • Text-Based Course

    Do you prefer to read? Each unit includes a text-based version with graphics and images to guide you on your path to body image resilience.

  • Listen on the Go

    Listen on the go with the audio-only version to hear Dr. Lexie Kite and Dr. Lindsay Kite teach you body image resilience any time.

  • Group Discussion Forum

    Engage with other program participants using the Diqus discussion forum to discuss topics throughout the course.

  • Dynamic Surveys & Journaling

    Engage in self-reflection with surveys and journaling that allow you to see your progress throughout the course.

  • Weekly Challenges

    As you accept weekly challenges and activities, you'll be asked to return and report on your results.


About the Course

Through the nonprofit Beauty Redefined, Lindsay Kite, Ph.D. & Lexie Kite, Ph.D. have been teaching and promoting positive body image to millions of people online and in person since 2009. Their doctoral research and years of body image activism has led to the development of this in-depth, online course for individuals. 

You can use this program at your own pace, on your own timetable, since all of the content is open and available to you for three years from your date of purchase. This rigorously tested online program has been utilized by hundreds of girls and women with life-changing results. In 8 units complete with in-depth original content in video, text and audio form; challenges; surveys and reflection prompts, this program guides participants through the process of:

    recognizing harmful messages in media and culture about female bodies; 

   reflecting on the ways those ideals have impacted your life;

   redefining the ways you think about beauty, health and individual worth; and

 developing resilience through your own path that utilizes four sources of power.

In a world where most girls and women live in a very uncomfortable "comfort zone" of body shame, anxiety, and fixation on appearance, the Beauty Redefined Body Image Resilience Program is designed to help you find peace and purpose. The world needs you. Not just a pretty vision of you, but all of you. You deserve to know this truth, and the world deserves to experience what you are capable of offering. By learning about and utilizing our game-changing approach to positive body image through body image resilience, you can face current and future body image difficulties with clarity and strength.  

Are you ready to improve your body image?

For $199, this 8-week course walks you through your own path to body image resilience through helping you navigate body shame, objectification and unreal ideals.

This course is designed for YOU if you struggle with any of the following:

  • Opting out of events, activities, or opportunities because you feel self-conscious of your appearance

  • Comparing yourself to other girls and women and falling short

  • Spending time and energy worrying about the way you look or the way you think others think you look

  • Dealing with painful experiences that have changed the way you feel about your body

  • Not knowing how to help friends and family dealing with body image issues

  • Feeling defined by your body and your appearance and wanting to find power beyond those things

80% of women who have completed this course report being extremely likely to recommend it to a friend or loved one.

77% of participants reported greater feelings of compassion toward themselves and less self-comparison with others.

75% of participants reported the program helped them better understand and achieve health and fitness.


         This course was awesome! Before, I felt pretty good about being able to identify harmful messages, but struggled with how exactly to combat them without getting super angry. You send an incredibly powerful message that I love. Now I feel like when I'm confronted with destructive messages from media (and unfortunately sometimes loved ones), I can channel that energy into living this truth of incredible self-worth and resilience. I've started to acknowledge the pain I've been through, and that gives me the power to move beyond it and repair relationships and build myself based on who I want to be…

…This struggle helps give me compassion for all of the other women who are going through similar experiences. I and every other woman have worth and potential so far beyond our comprehension and our power for good in the world is unimaginable. Our common experience can be a catalyst for a powerful change. I think a powerful part of this work is first in teaching us how to recognize these places of pain and struggle so that we can then choose to get on to living. Thank you so much for your amazing work.           I just want to say thank you. Thank you for personally giving me my life back and giving me a new perspective on my body. When you explained that a body is not an ornament, but an instrument, and that it’s about using your body for a purpose and using it to live life, everything changed. You were the first step on my healing journey and I constantly come back to your amazing program when I need to. You really are giving women their lives back you know. You’re cutting through the BS we’ve been brainwashed with. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You are changing so many lives.

          After 30+ years, I feel like someone who has spent her entire life inside a building, so used to the extremely stuffy air that she didn't notice it at all. When she steps outside for the first time after an eternity, taking in her first breaths, the cool, fresh and fragrant air is flowing into her like a piece of heaven. I am that person, and every breath is amazing. It feels like my awareness and power, my inner light, is increasing with every new revelation that comes to me...…I did not know how manipulated and suppressed as a woman by the media and society I had been. It was not clear to me that I had internalized the outside messages a long time ago to a point where  I thought those voices were my own. It is so wonderful to realize that all is good with me, that there is no problem with my body, never has been. I long to pass this new knowledge and awareness on to my daughter and all girls and women in my sphere. Thank you again!           The message you bring is nowhere else to be found. You have put the truth about body image into words and facts in a way that is extremely helpful and empowering. I love how you have made yourselves vulnerable in the process. This gives your message authenticity and makes it come to life. Thank you for all you are doing!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I share my registration with a friend or loved one?

    Memberships cannot be shared among users. Once payment has been received, only members themselves will receive access to the full program content.

  • Do I have to complete the course during a set time period, or can I do it at any time?

    You can take the course any time, day or night. You will have access for one full year to the course and all content, including video, audio, discussion forums, activities and challenges, reflection surveys, etc.

  • Do you provide scholarships to people who can't afford the course?

    Yes. We will provide a limited number of scholarships per year to people who email us and provide a detailed description of why they feel the course could benefit them and a commitment to complete the course in a timely manner and report back on their progress.

  • I don't struggle with negative body image, but a friend or loved one I know does. Would this course be beneficial to take as a friend and ally?

    Absolutely. All of us are on lifelong journey to body image resilience, and when we are feeling well and are able to offer social support to others, that is an incredible opportunity to take the course and become a knowledgeable friend and ally to those struggling with poor body image.

  • Can I gift this course to a friend or loved one?

    Yes. After you have paid for the course, simply register using your loved one's email address. Alternatively, you can email us once you have paid and we will offer your loved one a coupon code to register for free as a gift from you.

  • I feel like I know a lot about body image. Will I learn anything new in this course?

    We believe you will. The doctoral research of Dr. Lexie Kite and Dr. Lindsay Kite is unique and transformative. Within academic research and popular social media activism, the work of the Kites through Beauty Redefined is pioneering the work of body image resilience that actually changes lives and improves body image. The theoretical model of body image resilience, developed by the Kites, forms the foundation of this course and is shown to be a game-changer for girls and women living in a culture of objectification in all its forms. You will learn new things about body image resilience in general and about your own skills and strengths to achieve body image resilience as you participate in this program.

  • Is this course appropriate for all ages?

    This course has been designed for ages 14+, but younger participants are encouraged to participate with an adult present to help them understand some information or skip content that might not be appropriate for a younger audience. We do not discuss, display, or write about anything explicit, though we do discuss "objectification" and the evidence of objectification, like assault and abuse.

The world needs YOU. Not a pretty vision of you, but ALL of you.

Developing body image resilience can make that a reality.